The 56-year-old actor is on trial in Melun for the serious road accident he caused after taking drugs in February 2023 in Seine-et-Marne. Code source summarizes the investigation, and what happened between this highly publicized accident and the trial, with three journalists from the police-justice department of Le Parisien: Jean-Michel Décugis, Jérémie Pham-Lê, and Christel Brigaudeau. Editorial management: Pierre Chausse - Editor-in-chief: Jules Lavie - Reporter: Barbara Gouy - Production: Clara Garnier-Amouroux and Thibault Lambert - Direction and mixing: Julien Montcouquiol - Music: François Clos, Audio Network Archives: Europe1, BFMTV, France TV, TF1 #pierrepalmade #justice #accidents