Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Schütte (Chief Physician and Medical Director at the Clinic for Internal Medicine II at the Martha-Maria Halle-Dölau Hospital) in conversation with PD Dr. Bernhard Schaaf (Head of the Medical Clinic North, Dortmund Clinic, Witten/Herdecke University) and Dr. med. Julia Wälscher (Senior Physician at the Center for Interstitial and Rare Lung Diseases, Clinic for Pneumology, University Medicine Essen Ruhrlandklinik). An event organized by the German Society for Pneumology and Respiratory Medicine in collaboration with #pneumo4coffee2go With participation from: Dr. Markus Unnewehr, Hamm-Hessen Dr. Andreas Schlesinger, Cologne Dr. Simon Larrosa-Lombardi, Dortmund PD Dr. Bernhard Schaaf, Witten/Herdecke Prof. Dr. Michael Kreuter, Heidelberg Dr. Julia Wälscher, Essen No pharmaceutical company is involved.