Bibliographic References https://pne.mec.gov.br/ NATIONAL EDUCATION PLAN - LAW N° 13.005/2014 The National Education Plan (PNE) determines guidelines, goals and strategies for educational policy in the period from 2014 to 2024. https://simec.mec.gov.br/pde/grafico_... https://beieducacao.com.br/pne-plano-... https://jornalbomdia.com.br/noticia/3... #education #PNE #pedagogy #competition PNE Monitoring Map The Ministry of Education (MEC) and the National Institute of Studies and Research (INEP) selected a set of indicators for monitoring the PNE 2014-2024 based on information from various official sources. These indicators were published in the document entitled National Education Plan (PNE) 2014-2024: Baseline (INEP, 2015), which presents descriptive analyses of the historical series and disaggregations of the indicators. The technical sheets for each indicator are also available in the publication, presenting the calculation formulas, scope, source, historical series and observations on each one. The 1988 Federal Constitution established, in its article 214, the creation of a National Education Plan (PNE). The text of this article, modified in 2009, provides for the establishment of ten-year plans – that is, plans lasting ten years. According to the constitutional text, these plans have “the objective of articulating the national education system in a collaborative regime and defining guidelines, objectives, goals and implementation strategies to ensure the maintenance and development of education at its various levels, stages and modalities”. The PNE currently in force was sanctioned in June 2014. The law that instituted the plan establishes ten guidelines. These are: 1) eradication of illiteracy; 2) universalization of school attendance; 3) overcoming educational inequalities, with an emphasis on promoting citizenship and eradicating all forms of discrimination; 4) improving the quality of education; 5) training for work and citizenship, with an emphasis on the moral and ethical values on which society is based; 6) promoting the principle of democratic management of public education; 7) promoting the country's humanistic, scientific, cultural and technological aspects; 8) establishing a target for the application of public resources to education as a proportion of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which ensures that expansion needs are met, with a standard of quality and equity; 9) valuing education professionals; 10) promoting the principles of respect for human rights, diversity and socio-environmental sustainability. The National Education Plan Observatory website, coordinated by Todos Pela Educação, monitors each of the targets. In partnership with 28 organizations, the portal monitors compliance with the PNE using public data. The Ministry of Education (MEC) also maintains a page on its website to monitor the goals. Each of them has graphs and indicators that show its stage. 20 PNE goals?