Stop making this series, you guys... 00:00 I have something to say about this 00:47 Saju Seyong Start 01:36 Three Rules of Saju Seyong 01:58 To the Honorable Representative 02:17 1) Border Bar Trolley 03:44 2) Freelight Alpha 05:47 3) ATMOPH Smart Display 07:31 4) Locada Whiteboard 08:45 5) Untitled folder wallet final.final.2 09:57 6) Vermicular Rice Pot Gray One-Touch Cast Iron Electric Rice Cooker 11:19 7) You & Me Ping Pong Table 12:29 8) Teenage Engineering TP-7 Recorder 13:18 9) G3 Ferrari Pizza Oven Red 14:39 10) LG CineBeam Cube 15:39 What if you buy it with Kwon PD's money? 16:05 Final selection time 16:57 Finishing 17:56 Cookies! #fortunetelling ???? Video editing: Kwon PD Nom ???? Partnership inquiries: [email protected] ???? Subscriber review tips: [email protected]