Planting the moon allows women to reconnect with their own nature and complete a vital cycle. In times of denial, menstruation has not been honored as a phase of feminine power and wisdom. Fe Cortez tells us a little about this process and the power of our blood and its nutrients in planting. We also talked about the lunar mandala, which is a process of self-knowledge of the phases of the moon and acceptance of this cycle. Have you tried filling it out? Let's talk about our personal power and how our nature can nourish the planet. Video about Menstruation without Waste: • Menstruation without Waste Lunar Mandala: https://www.mandalalunar.com.br/ PDF of the Lunar Mandala: http://bit.ly/M1Lmandalalunar To learn more about conscious consumption: http://bit.ly/M1Lplantaraluasite To learn more about our greatest agent of transformation, the cup: http://bit.ly/M1Lplantaraluacopo Instagram @menos1lixo: / menos1lixo Instagram @fecortez: / fecortez