Any type of planning, especially when it comes to a scientific research project, is always somewhat complex and therefore difficult to carry out, since it is precisely about trying to organize activities for a person or a group of people, with the intention that such organization is as appropriate and especially beneficial for the person or people for whom it is intended. Some criteria are suggested that can be taken into consideration for the planning of a scientific research project to be developed preferably in teams. The first thing that anyone who is going to undertake the mission of planning a scientific research project must do is ask themselves and answer appropriately if they consider themselves capable of assuming such responsibility with a probability of success, by having sufficient knowledge of the subject area to be investigated, at least the mastery of the basic theoretical content to begin their study and the methodological experience necessary to plan it. You can expand on the subject in: Guadarrama, Pablo. Direction and advice of scientific research. Social Sciences. Havana. 2012; Editorial Magisterio; Bogotá. 2009; Magisterio-Neisa. Mexico. 2017; Magisterio-Premises. Madrid. 2017. Guadarrama, Pablo. What is the use of epistemology to a researcher and a teacher? Magisterio Editorial. Bogotá. 2018; Magisterio-Neisa. Mexico. 2018; Magisterio-Premises. Madrid. 2018.