Katowice PKM regularly renews its fleet, the average age of which has dropped significantly in recent years. The basis of the fleet is Solaris Urbino in various configurations, and they are also complemented by buses of three other brands. The newest of them is Volvo, which at the same time delivered its last buses from the Wrocław factory here - a total of 22 units, 5 articulated and 17 short. The least numerous are Mercedes, which have been mostly withdrawn in recent years, and currently only 14 articulated buses from 2011 remain. This is complemented by MANs, which returned to the company's favor in 2017 after 10 years without deliveries. PKM was then enriched by 40 units, including 5 MEGA class, and in 2022-2023 they were joined by 13 more units, the first of the new generation, all 12-meter long, and 8 a year newer in the gas version. But that's not all - deliveries of 10 articulated buses with a lion on the hood are planned for the near future, this time in the combustion version. The entire fleet of the carrier consists of almost 250 buses that travel the streets of the Metropolis every day, and about two thirds of them are Solaris buses - one of them will cover the long route of line 297 through Brynów, Ochojec and Osiedle Odrodzenia. 297 Katowice/Sadowa - Katowice/Sadowa 1. Katowice/Sadowa 2. Katowice/Railway Station 3. Katowice/Mikołowska 4. Katowice/University of Physical Education 5. Brynów/Wincentego Pol 6. Brynów/Różyckiego 7. Brynów/Dworska 8. Brynów/Kościuszki 9. Brynów/Transfer Center 10. Brynów/Rzepakowa 11. Ochojec/Wapienna 12. Ochojec/Sadowa 13. Ochojec/Ziołowa 14. Piotrowice/Tyska 15. Osiedle Odrodzenia/Radockiego 16. Osiedle Odrodzenia/Łętowskiego 17. Osiedle Odrodzenia/Bażantów 18. Osiedle Odrodzenia/Church 19. Osiedle Odrodzenia/Szewska 20. Piotrowice/Osiedle 21. Ochojec/Ziołowa 22. Ochojec/Sadowa 23. Ochojec/Wapienna 24. Brynów/Rzepakowa 25. Brynów/Transfer Center 26. Brynów/Dworska 27. Brynów/Różyckiego 28. Brynów/Wincentego Pol 29. Katowice/University of Physical Education 30. Katowice/Mikołowska 31. Katowice/Mikołowska/Court 32. Katowice/Railway Station 33. Katowice/Sądowa