CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE IMPRESSIVE COMPLETE EXCEL COURSE: https://lp.hashtagtreinamentos.com/es... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREE DOWNLOAD OF THE BASIC EXCEL MINI COURSE: https://excelparaestagio.klickpages.c... To become the highlight of your company or pass any selection process because of Excel, sign up for Excel Week - 100% Online and Free: https://excelparaestagio.klickpages.c... CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE SPREADSHEET USED: https://pages.hashtagtreinamentos.com... Learn in 5 steps how to make an Excel Pivot Table. Remember that the fifth step is the most important when creating your Pivot Table. If you still don't use Pivot Tables in your daily life, I recommend that you watch this video lesson and start using this tool today! This video is a detailed and complete guide on Pivot Tables, with the goal of answering all your questions on the subject. In this video, I will show you in a simple way and with easy-to-understand examples how to make an Excel Pivot Table. The tool used in this video is widely used in the daily lives of people who use Excel, both for work and for personal use. For this reason, understanding and learning how to make an Excel Pivot Table is essential for your Excel learning! So, do you want to learn Pivot Tables? Then press play and learn the 5 steps! For more content besides Excel Pivot Tables, visit our YouTube page and check out our videos!