Pink Lady is a Japanese female duo. In the late 1970s, they created an explosive boom as idols with a number of unique hit songs accompanied by innovative choreography and costumes. The members were Mi (Mitsuyo Nemoto, now Mii Mie) and Kei (Keiko Masuda, now Masuda Keiko). At the time, they were affiliated with T&C, and their record company was Victor Music Industries (now JVC Kenwood Victor Entertainment). Mii Mie (real name: Mitsuyo Nemoto, born March 9, 1958) is a Japanese singer, actress, and TV personality. She was born in Aoi Ward, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Her blood type is A. She changed her name to Mii in 1998. In 2006, she changed her name to "Mie Mii". Keiko Masuda (born September 2, 1957) is a Japanese singer, actress, and TV personality. Her real name (now her surname) is Keiko Kuwaki. Her blood type is O. She is affiliated with K Office and has a business partnership with Sato Kikaku.