New Power Bank Pineng PN899PD with 30,000mAh Buy here at TioTech: https://www.tiotech.com.br/power-bank... Brand: Pineng Model: PN-899PD Weight: 648g Measurements: 15cm x 7.5cm x 3.8cm Inputs: Lighting, Micro USb and Type-C Outputs: 2x USB Ports, 2 USB Type-C Port Battery Meter: Yes, Digital LCD Nominal Capacity: 30,000mAh Actual Capacity: 18,870mAh Maximum Amper: 3A Turbo Charging: Yes Check if your Pineng is original: https://pineng.com.my/Product-Verific... _________________________________ Visit the new website: https://www.tiotech.com.br/ __________________________________ Our channel on Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEk1r6XBA-5... Talk to Uncle Chico: 11-5523-6246 - Landline 11- 94164-7039 - WhatsApp Facebook: / tiochicoshop Instagram: / tiochicoshop