Black Friday at CF Company → https://clck.ru/3Epi9S Discounts from 15 to 50%! From 11/29 to 12/01 Spinning rods with discounts up to 35% Hooks up to 40% Lures up to 50% Clothing up to 50% Bags and boxes up to 35% Spinners - 50% Tungsten: up to 35% Lead weights - 25% Lines and cords - 25% Snap hooks and leashes up to 30% Tubes - 20% Reels up to 25% Spare parts for spinning rods - 15% Advertising of IP Gika E.A. INN 390515200359, ERID: 2VtzqvzYYkX For questions about the correct purchase of echo sounders, GPS anchors, batteries, sensors, rotators and everything related to this, contact me on VK: https://vk.com/id713580568 (WRITE IN PM), please do not disturb me with trifles (no time to sleep) My channel on Yandex Zen: https://dzen.ru/id/622751b57e72187ca5... My channel on RUTUB: https://rutube.ru/channel/24429393/