From this material you will learn whether the 2204a oscilloscope is a good device for car diagnostics. I show the differences in the read signals that result from the hardware specifications of the 2204a and 4425 oscilloscopes and explain how to deal with them. 00:00 Introduction 00:42 Intro 00:52 Pico 2204a why would I choose this model to start with? 03:35 Technical specifications and the most important differences 08:23 Pico software that we can use 13:43 Comparison of the camshaft and crankshaft sensor synchronization signal 17:01 Comparison of the signal using two channels and high ignition coil voltage 26:17 Comparison of the cylinder pressure measurement signal using Pico 2204a and the WPS500X sensor 30:48 Measurement of the high speed CAN network signal 36:26 Measurement of the fuel flow valve control using current clamps and voltage measurement 39:26 Summary