Please subscribe to the channel☆and rate it highly! Nice to meet you all! We are the factory manager and our friends! We made a YouTube video of us playing together! Since it is cross-play between smartphones, switch, and PC, the audio is all over the place, but we hope you enjoy it. Members☆☆☆☆ Factory manager The phantom old man who doesn't come out easily Gatsu Plays the viewpoint but is bad at games Akichami Bad-mouthed Smart What is it! Parko Kind Kansai girl! A little bit of a fool Sansuke Maybe he's the one who livens things up, or maybe not? Watson Bluebeard who seems to be always sleepy His beard is amazing! If you are interested in the phantom? old man, or if you would like to support him, please do so!! Please subscribe to the channel and rate it highly!! Editing software Da Vinci Resolve Sound source BGMer http://bgmer.net (Party Maker) Sound effect pocket sound-@Pocket Sound Oto Logic Material used #Pico Park #Cooperation #Live commentary