This video describes Piaget's path and in detail his theory on the development of thought in children. The video was created for high school students of human sciences, but it is suitable for viewing by all enthusiasts in the sector. In-depth study on language: For Piaget, with the cognitive development of the child in various stages, the development of language is also marked, which is consequent to that of thought. In fact, the child develops the representational capacity in early childhood. During the sensorimotor stage, he possesses very simple schemes for processing information and responses to the environment. From 18 months to 7 years, more complex response schemes are consolidated and the development of mental representations of perceived objects that allow the development of language. In this phase, language is purely egocentric because, when the child speaks, he is not aware that there may be points of view different from his own and therefore does not worry about adapting his language to the needs of his interlocutor. In second childhood, from 7 to 11 years, thought remains tied to concreteness, but becomes less egocentric. He can hardly assume a position different from his own, but language becomes socialized. From 12 onwards with the abstract logical stage, even thought will become hypothetical and logical-deductive. #Piaget #pedagogy #thought