We talked about photosynthesis (light-dependent reactions, Calvin cycle - dark phase reactions) and chemosynthesis regarding the subject of Energy Transformations in Living Things. You can reach the PDF document via the link; https://biyoloji.org/fotosentez-kemos... If you want to support us, join our channel via the link below; / @seninbiyotikn Click to subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/seninbiyo... You can access all playlists below from the address; https://biyo.link. 2022 TYT Biology Lectures 2022 TYT Biology Question Solutions 2022 AYT Biology Lectures 2022 AYT Biology Question Solutions TYT - AYT Biology Podcasts TYT - AYT Short Information Series TYT - AYT Biology Animations TYT - AYT Biology Review Lessons Hello, I'm Aras Tuğcu! As for the Your Biology project, I am preparing 2022 TYT and AYT biology courses by using the current ÖSYM and MEB curriculum as a source. You can access biology lecture notes, biology topic explanations, biology question solutions, biology trial exams, biology podcasts (audio recordings), biology questions, written exam preparation courses and biology live lessons on our channel. I regularly upload videos during the week. You can join our family by subscribing to our channel and solve all your problems related to biology.