In this class, you will understand the photoelectric effect, which is widely used in remote control devices, night vision equipment, photoelectric panels, etc. Want to know more about the subject? Brasil Escola What is the photoelectric effect? - http://brasilescola.com/o-que-e/fisic... The photoelectric effect - http://brasilescola.com/fisica/o-efei... Exercises on the photoelectric effect - http://exercicios.brasilescola.com/ex... Mundo Educação Photoelectric effect - http://mundoeducacao.com/fisica/o-efe... Modern Physics - http://mundoeducacao.com/fisica/moder... Alunos Online Photoelectric effect - http://alunosonline.com.br/fisica/efe... Physics - http://alunosonline.com.br/fisica Follow us: Brasil Escola: http://www.brasilescola.com/ Facebook: / brasilescola Instagram: / brasilescolaoficial