Movie Plot: The movie, which has a story parallel to Robert Zemeckis' 1997 film 'Contackt' and the Wachowski Brothers' 'Matrix' trilogy, is based on the creative comprehension pain of a young director who has won awards at many important festivals with the films he has shot. Selman, who lost his family at a young age and started living in Istanbul, tries to ease the pain of his childhood love Merve, whom he has not heard from since she left the town, by taking refuge in cinema. The young director, who has won many awards despite having made only one or two films, is not happy despite this. Stuck in a dark tunnel in the face of the deep contradiction between the culture he was raised in and the ruthless culture of the metropolis he lives in, Selman questions this life that he cannot accept, and gradually drifts into great schizophrenia. Selman, who looks for a way out of this situation in his memories, goes to his childhood town in search of the mystery of the small box his father gave him to keep as a child, saying it contained a 'phoenix'. Finding the 'Morpheus' of the film, Emin Efendi, in the town, Selman sets off on a boundless journey to reach the real 'architect' of the world he lives in... Director: Mesut Uçakan Screenplay: Mesut Uçakan Music: Hakan Aykut, Serkan Akgün Director of Photography: Mehmet Gün Release Date: November 09, 2007 Cast: Yalçın Dümer Ceren Öztürk Kenan Bal Fatih Hürkan Kaan Girgin Rahmi Dilligil Mahmut Hekimoğlu Gafur Uzuner Hilal Cansu Şahin Editing: Erdinç Dinçer Art Director: Mustafa Ziya Ülkenciler Production Manager: Fikret Ertuğrul Assistant Director: Ali Kıvırcık 1st Assistant Director: Görkem Erdem Post-Production: Çağlar Özlek Lighting Assistant: Ramazan Cihat Özen Make-up: Hüseyin Üküm Sound Recording: Mevlüt Ünal Sound Mixing: Mert Subaşıoğlu For More Information: http://www.sinematurk.com/film/8604-a... http://www.mesutucakan.com