Today we discuss Philo of Alexandria and Flavius Josephus. In the time of Jesus, Judaism was remarkably diverse, with profound influences and debates about the interpretation of scripture and the nature of the relationship with divinity and the surrounding world. Two prominent authors, Philo of Alexandria and Flavius Josephus, manage to bridge this rich and complex world, offering a profound understanding of first-century Judaism. Philo of Alexandria is an emblematic figure of the Jewish diaspora, being an enthusiastic integrator of Greek philosophy into Jewish thought. He introduces the concept of allegorical interpretation of sacred texts, discussing biblical stories such as that of Noah in a manner that transcends their letter, searching for deeper spiritual meanings. Through this approach, Philo tries to show that the wisdom of Moses and Greek philosophy, in Plato's texts, are not in contradiction, but, on the contrary, complement each other. Flavius Josephus, younger but contemporary with Philo, offers an insider's perspective on the diversity of currents in Judaism of his time in Judea. His writings are essential for understanding the historical and religious context in which Christianity emerged and developed. ------------------- Casa Paleologu Website: https://paleologu.com/ro Facebook: / casapaleologu Instagram: / casa.paleol. . Linkedin: / 2831. . Theodor Paleologu Facebook: / tpaleologu Linkedin: / feed ------------------- Contact: [email protected] #roma #culture #history #latin ------------------------------------ (C) & (P) Fundatia Casa Paleologu All rights reserved. (C) & (P) Fundatia Casa Paleologu All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this content on your channel