We invite you to talk to the Investment Director at PFR Ventures - a fund of funds manager who, together with private investors, business angels and corporations, invests in Venture Capital funds. You will learn, among other things: ~ how a startup can obtain financing from a Venture Capital fund, ~ what the investment process looks like and in what time frame a startup can receive funds, ~ what are the PFR Ventures investment criteria, ~ how the current epidemiological situation affects VC investments, ~ whether bridge financing is planned for companies between investment rounds, The information presented is consistent with the state of knowledge as of April 17, 2020. It may change, so please follow the information on the websites: https://www.gov.pl/, https://pfr.pl/tarcza and https://pfrventures.pl/pl/ We invite you to sign up for our next webinars at: https://pfr.pl/oferta/webinaria-finan...