This time we have TKO Kinoshita as our guest!! What is the PET bottle triathlon event!? And will we be able to put a clean end to all the fuss today and move forward!? We'll see!? ------This time we're collaborating with TKO Kinoshita's channel!! We had a lengthy chat with Kinoshita and Farewell to Youth's Light, so be sure to check that out too! ■TKO Kinoshita's Kino Channel - Reach the Heavens - • [Farewell to Youth's Light] The advantages and disadvantages of being an independent comedian!? Please give Kinoshita's channel the highest number of likes in its history!! Please also subscribe to the channel!! ------And the person I'd like to express my greatest gratitude to this time is Ojin Osborne's Shinomiya. Everyone, please subscribe to the channel!! SHINOMIYA【Ojin Osborne Shinomiya】 / @shinomiyaakira ---【Staff】 Director / Furukawa Hiroshi Writer / Watanabe Yuuki ♫PET "SICK BOY" Web⇨ http://pet-partybaby.com #FarewellYouthfulLight #TKOKinoshita #PetRackOut #OjinOsborneShinomiya