A recording of a lecture from the Fridays series, which took place live with the audience on November 25, 2022, on the topic: Verlinde's Gravity. Gravity is the only force that acts on all bodies and particles without exception. The most successful theory describing gravity is Einstein's general relativity. In 2009, Dutch physicist Erik Verlinde tried to explain gravity as statistical manifestations of the microworld. How viable is his theory? How do its predictions differ from general relativity? Can it become an intermediary to connect the world of gravity with the quantum world? Lecturer: Prof. RNDr. PetrKulhanek, CSc., was born in 1959, graduated in mathematical physics at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Charles University. In 2005, he became a professor of applied physics at the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. He is a member of the editorial boards of 4 physics journals (Czechoslovak Journal for Physics, Astropis, Vesmír, Aldebaran Bulletin), a member of the International Astronomical Union, the Czech Astronomical Society. He is the founder and president of the Aldebaran Group for Astrophysics. In 2010 he received the Littera Astronomica award. He deals with numerical simulations in plasma physics and plasma theory. (Source of annotation: Pátečníci.net) Further information: https://www.aldebaran.cz/ https://fel.cvut.cz/cs https://www.fjfi.cvut.cz/cz/ https://www.aldebaran.cz/~kulhanek/ https://prodej.aldebaran.cz/ www.patecnici.net www.facebook.com/patecnici.cyklus Current information about other lectures: From May 6, 2022, regular lectures Pátečníci - Sisyphos will be held again live, i.e. publicly with a discussing audience in the lecture hall of the Faculty of Law, Charles University at Viničná 7 (B3 on the ground floor on the left - the same as Biology Thursdays). In addition to recording, there should also be an online stream, information will be available at the unchanged links on the FB address: / patecnici.cyklus and YouTube channel: / pátečníci sisyfos tinyurl.com/YtPatecnici Support for the Pátečníci project: https://www.startovac.cz/patron/vasi-...