The guest is musician and today's jubilant Petr Janda. I probably won't want to, he announces the name of the new album. At eighty, what does he no longer want to say, experience, undergo? Is composing music better than it used to be with experience? And what will the 60th Olympic celebrations look like? Hosted by Lucie Výborná. Listen to Host Lucie Excellent as a podcast ➡ https://www.mujrozhlas.cz/host-lucie-... Article: https://radiozurnal.rozhlas.cz/soucas... Listen as a podcast in the mujRozhlas mobile application https:/ /rozhl.as/mujRozhlasAplikace Radiožurnál website: https://radiozurnal.rozhlas.cz/ Facebook: / radiozurnal Twitter: / radiozurnal1 Instagram: / radiozurnal