As long as you haven't painted grey, Paul Cézanne once said, you are not a painter. When Peter Sloterdijk applies this sentence to philosophy, it may sound like an excessive provocation as an unexplained assertion. "Anyone who has not yet thought of grey has not yet encountered the question 'unde bonum', where does the good come from?, which is at the heart of the question of being," said Sloterdijk in conversation with Michael Maar. Peter Sloterdijk follows the grey thread through the history of philosophy, art and mentality. By exploring grey as a metaphor, as an indicator of mood and as a display of political and moral ambiguity, he provides a wealth of compelling evidence for the thesis that gives the book its title. Information about the book: http://shrk.vg/KeinGrauGedacht-V #Buchtipp #sloterdijk #petersloterdijk