Peter Melkus was recently a guest at the Alte Schule and traced the history of the Melkus RS1000, which should never have existed because a sports car was not actually planned under socialism. With a lot of creativity, improvisational talent and a few photos of legendary (Western) sports cars on the workshop wall, a car based on the Wartburg was created in Dresden, the design of which did not have to hide behind Italian and English sports cars and which today sells for up to €100,000! In this video you can find out how the Melkus was created and for everyone who has already heard the podcast (you can find the whole episode here: • Alte Schule, episode 123 with Peter Melk... ), there is a tour of the production hall of the new edition at the end! *** Subscribe to this channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... All podcasts and more information online at www.alteschule.tv *** #melkus #rs1000 #alteschule