Peter Apelgren is the comedian who has made himself known for his ability to improvise. Now he embarks on his first solo tour and will do just that - improvise freely in front of packed audiences. Nyhetsmorgon in TV4 from 2018-12-13: Nyhetsmorgon is TV4's morning program that has been in the slot since 1992. News is interspersed with in-depth discussions, coverage of the latest trends, personal interviews, culture and sport. Program leaders include Tilde de Paula, Jenny Strömstedt, Steffo Törnquist, Jesper Börjesson and Jessica Almenäs. Watch full episodes and clips from Nyhetsmorgon on TV4 Play: http://tv4play.se/program/nyhetsmorgon Subscribe to Nyhetsmorgon's YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nyhetsmorgon?sub_c... Newsmorgon on Facebook: / nyhetsmorgon Newsmorgon on Twitter: / nyhetsmorgon Nyhetsmorgon on Instagram: / nyhetsmorgon #NYMO Nyhetsmorgon is a Swedish daily morning news and talk show on TV4.