A modern method of cancer diagnostics, PET/CT (positron emission tomography with computed tomography), allows to detect oncological diseases at early stages. As part of our discussion, we will talk about cancer diagnostics using PET/CT. Our guest is the head of the radionuclide diagnostics department of the N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology, MD Pavel Ivanovich Krzhivitsky. ???? https://www.niioncologii.ru/ ???? You can sign up for a consultation by phone: +7 (812) 43-99-555 ???? Anna Malkova Telegram ???? https://t.me/okomed ???? Olga Ushakova VKontakte ???? https://vk.com/ushakova222 ???? Olga Ushakova Telegram ???? https://t.me/ushakova222 ???? Life through the eyes of Ushakova ???? https://t.me/glazamiushakovoi ❓ Questions about cooperation: +79037926733 ???? Share this video: • PET / CT is a modern diagnostic method ... In this video you will learn: 00:00 Introduction 01:18 What is PET-CT 02:15 Radiopharmaceuticals for PET-CT 03:00 What PET-CT shows 06:20 Evaluation of treatment effectiveness 09:30 Radiopharmaceuticals for different nosologies 13:45 What are radiopharmaceuticals 14:30 What is nuclear medicine 16:20 Should I do PET-CT without a doctor's prescription 17:50 Preparation for PET-CT examination 20:50 How many patients per day undergo PET-CT at the N.N. Sechenov National Medical Research Center of Oncology Petrova 21:53 PET-CT for diabetics 22:54 Myths about PET-CT 25:00 Nosologies for which the PET-CT examination method is indicated 28:20 How many PET-CTs can be done per year 29:47 Contrast in PET-CT 31:29 When a study with contrast is not necessary 32:00 Comparison of PET-CT and CT diagnostic results 33:17 Second opinion and revision of PET-CT diagnostic results 36:53 Discussion of diagnostic errors 39:30 The importance of reviewing studies 41:40 Clinical cases 46:19 Communication with patients 48:34 Radiation exposure after diagnostic studies 50:39 Why did you choose this profession? 51:40 Department of radionuclide diagnostics at the National Research Center of Oncology 54:52 Equipment in the department of radionuclide diagnostics at the National Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. Petrov 56:32 Availability of research for patients at the National Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. Petrov 59:55 Wishes to the audience _____________________________________________________________ Dear friends, we want it to become easier for you to live with a difficult diagnosis! Come to meetings, join groups, participate in our projects and events: ???? OncoTV on YouTube ???? / @oncotv3779 ???? OncoTV on Zen ???? https://dzen.ru/oncotv ???? VKontakte ???? https://vk.com/plans_forlife ???? Mutual assistance chats "Good Place": On breast cancer ???? https://t.me/dobroemestormg On colorectal cancer (bowel cancer) ???? https://t.me/dobroemestokrr On ovarian cancer ???? https://t.me/dmesto For all cancer patients ???? https://t.me/oncohelp1 #oncology #pct #cancerdiagnosisandtreatment #medicine #cancer #cancerdiagnosis #health #pet #diagnostics #mri #radiology #tumor #cancertreatment #ct #breastcancer #metastases #uterinecancer #prostatecancer #oncologist #colorectalcancer #braincancer #braintumor #oncologytreatment #radiologist #stomachcancer #doctor #treatment #lungcancer #ovariancancer #nuclearmedicine #oncotv A modern method of cancer diagnostics, PET / CT, allows for the detection of oncological diseases at an early stage due to its unique way of detecting metabolic changes in tissues. This technology opens up new possibilities for accurately assessing the spread of cancer and determining the most effective treatment plan. The importance of PET / CT lies not only in its ability to detect cancer at an early stage, but also in the ability to monitor the progression of the disease after the start of treatment, which allows therapy to be tailored to the specific needs of the patient. Thank you for watching OncoTV episodes and interviews about oncology, the causes of cancer, cancer treatment, cancer treatment standards, cancer treatment methods, their pros and cons, health and medicine, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation options for cancer patients. Our viewers know the answer to the question of whether cancer can be cured. Subscribe to the channel to know everything about life with a cancer diagnosis and proper cancer treatment. ▶️▶️ Subscribe to the channel: / @oncotv3779 ‼️ Videos are protected by copyright. It is prohibited to download and re-upload videos published on OncoTV! For all questions regarding the use of the video, be sure to contact the author!