Racist jokes are no joke. On May 13, Brazil celebrated 131 years since the abolition of slavery, but the reality of black people is still surrounded by prejudice and discrimination. While only two in ten people consider themselves prejudiced, according to IBOPE, 60% of black people have already suffered some type of racism in the workplace, according to a survey by the consulting firm Etnus. Often disguised as a joke, these “jokes” reproduce stereotypes that affect the psychological integrity of black people. Adilson Moreira, a writer and professor with a PhD from Harvard University, and Nina Fola, a Master’s student in Sociology and singer, explain how humor can serve as a policy of ethnic-racial hostility - whether at home, at school and, above all, in the workplace. In addition, they talk about the low black representation in the judiciary and how it impacts decisions about racism. Participants: Adilson Moreira, Writer and Professor of Anti-Discrimination Law at Harvard University and Nina Fola, Master's student in Sociology and Singer. More information: https://www.geledes.org.br/o-racismo-... https://noticias.r7.com/minas-gerais/... https://www.hypeness.com.br/2018/03/c... https://istoe.com.br/irmao-de-emicida... https://correionago.com.br/portal/min... https://www.jornaldocomercio.com/_con... https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/cotidia... https://www.geledes.org.br/racismo-im... https://g1.globo.com/economia/concurs... https://sao-paulo.estadao.com.br/noti... https://noticias.uol.com.br/cotidiano... https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao-paulo/not... https://www.pragmatismopolitico.com.b... https://www.geledes.org.br/advogado-n... https://www.huffpostbrasil.com/2016/0... https://exame.abril.com.br/estilo-de-... https://brasil.estadao.com.br/noticia... #13demaio #FalsaAboliçãoDaSlavatura #CanalPreto