🔵 FREE SPREADSHEET DOWNLOAD: https://excelentejoao.com.br/wp-conte... 🟢 LEARN EXCEL WITH ME IN THE COMPLETE EXCEL COURSE WITH CERTIFICATE: http://excelentejoao.com.br/sejaexcel... In this Excel video lesson, we will learn how to make a daily personal financial control spreadsheet in Excel and you can download the Excel spreadsheet for free. We will learn how to make an Excel cash flow spreadsheet, that is, an Excel spreadsheet to control cash inflows and outflows. This is a personal income control spreadsheet in Excel, but you could also use this spreadsheet to control companies, business cash flow control, business financial control. From scratch, step by step and in practice. Let's learn how to build this free personal financial control spreadsheet in Excel. Let's start by building a header and making the spreadsheet fully dynamic and automated so that we can use the spreadsheet for every month of the year and for every year whenever you change the month all the action dates are updated automatically for you, that is, a spreadsheet that works completely automatically. We will also see how to fix the spreadsheet header, that is, how to fix the first rows of the spreadsheet, how to freeze the rows, how to freeze columns in Excel, how to make a column fixed in the spreadsheet so that even if you move it and the spreadsheet dies, the first column always remains fixed on the screen. We will also see how to make a row fixed in Excel, how to fix rows in Excel. The next step is to describe and write all the income we have, such as salary, overtime payments, extra services, etc., that is, all the money that comes into your account needs to be accounted for here. And then we will account for and describe all the expenses, such as electricity bills, water bills, and all the expenses we have, rent, condominium, etc. Here we need to account for and enter the values of everything that left our account, of all the outgoing movements. At the end of the spreadsheet, we can create a new row with the balance calculation, that is, with a daily balance of everything that came in and everything that went out, this way we can monitor whether we are positive or negative on the day in question. In addition, we will add conditional formatting so that the cells change color automatically whenever the value changes. If the value becomes negative, the cell is painted red. value is positive the cell is painted green, that is, the cells change color automatically from green to red whenever the values change automatically. #ExcellentJoão #Excel #Dashboard