Facing stiff resistance within its own Army, the M26 Pershing heavy tank began to be manufactured in the United States in 1944, and due to the high effectiveness of the German heavy tanks that the Allies faced in Europe, it was finally sent to the front lines at the end of that year. But would the Pershing be up to the task? ???????????? COLLABORATE WITH FEB VETERANS! https://apoia.se/ajudeosveteranosdafeb SUBSCRIBE TO THE XXXIII ENVFEB https://www.sympla.com.br/evento/xxxi... PRODUCTION: Júlio César Guedes SCRIPT: Bruno Fontanive EDITING: Eduardo Farias ❤️Collaborate with us via PIX: [email protected] ???? Discover OUR STORE! https://lolja.com.br/sala-de-guerra ????ADVERTISE on Sala de Guerra! https://bit.ly/SdGMidiaKit SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL https://youtube.com/saladeguerrasdg?s... BECOME A VIP MEMBER OF THE CHANNEL / @saladeguerrasdg DID YOU LIKE IT? SUPPORT SALA DE GUERRA ???? https://apoia.se/saladeguerra ---------- TO FIND OUT MORE - BUY NOW! -M26/M46 Pershing Tank 1943 53 https://amzn.to/3HLgKqv -Spearhead: An American Tank Gunner, His Enemy and a Collision of Lives in World War II https://amzn.to/42t5zdZ -T-34-85 Vs M26 Pershing: Korea 1950 https://amzn.to/3HNRQXk ---------- Share this video with your friends: • PERSHING TANK: the first armored ... Follow Sala de Guerra on Instagram: @sala.de.guerra SEE ALSO: -Pershing vs Panther: the tank battle in Cologne! - DOC #32 • Pershing vs Panther: the battle of the ... -How a Tiger tank shot down a plane - DOC #197 • How a Tiger tank shot down a plane ... -Michael Wittmann and the Tiger tank at the Battle of Villers-Bocage - DOC #109 • Michael Wittmann and the Tiger tank at the ... PERSHING TANK: the first heavy armored vehicle of the USA - DOC #233 #militaryhistory #wartanks #armored