Analyzing the thesis of Professor Carlos Daniel Lasa, we retrace the years of Argentine Peronism following the red thread that inextricably links it to Mussolini's fascist regime and its theoretical principles outlined by the philosopher Giovanni Gentile. We retrace the experience of Juan Domingo Perón in Italy that shaped his political ideology and his approach to leadership in Argentina. The dialogue delves into themes such as the Risorgimento, the revolution, the dialectic of thought and the concept of political evolution, highlighting parallels and differences between Gentile's fascism and Peronism. A critical reflection that offers new insights to better understand the complexity of Peronism and its legacy in Argentine politics. Presented for Liberi Oltre Le Illusioni - Agorà: Gabriele Massafra _______ Chapters ???? 01:28 Origins of Peronism and its Italian Influence 05:03 The Philosophy of Italian Fascism 09:59 The Evolution of Peronism and its Historical Context 15:06 The Influence of Giovanni Gentile on Perón 20:55 The Relationship between Peronism and Fascism 35:44 The Mystique of Peronism and its Decline 44:16 The Influence of Religion in Politics 45:07 The Role of Eva Perón in Peronism 48:38 Fascism and Nationalism in Perón's Argentina 53:47 Theology of the People and its Impact 01:05:22 Contradictions in Libertarian Ideology 01:14:21 The Importance of the Word in Argentine Politics 01:20:57 Final Reflections _______ Speaker, Bio and Resources ???? Carlos Daniel Lasa PhD in Philosophy (Catholic University of Córdoba, 1993). Dean of the Institute of Human Sciences of the National University of Villa María (2003–2007; 2007–2011). Currently Professor of Philosophy (National University of Villa María). Author of seven books and more than fifty articles on philosophy published in specialized journals in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Spain, Italy, France and Germany. https://www.conicet.gov.ar/new_scp/de... https://scholar.google.com.ar/citatio... Gabriele Massafra https://www.liberioltreleillusioni.it... _______ Bibliography ???? Carlos Daniel Lasa - Juan Domingo Perón: the demiurge of praxism in Argentina _______ Follow us on our social networks: Twitter/???? » / liberioltre Instagram » / liberioltre Website » https://www.liberioltreleillusioni.it/ Telegram » https://t.me/liberioltre _______ Articles ‧ https://www.liberioltreleillusioni.it/ Economy, Politics, Current Affairs ‧ / @liberioltre Science and Technology ‧ / @liberioltrestem Social Sciences, Philosophy and Public Policies ‧ / @liberioltreagora An Open Place, Plural, non-Ideological and non-Identitarian. We try to spread the principles of Merit, Competence, Individual Responsibility, Decisional and Information Transparency, Subsidiarity, Protection of Individual Freedoms, Market Economy, Competition and Individual and Collective Solidarity... This is Liberi Oltre! _______ Content distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license by Liberi Oltre le Illusioni. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/....