Bujna Warszawa and Green Talks Polska invite you to a webinar recording, during which you will learn how to shape the garden space in accordance with the principles of permaculture. Permaculture, or permanent culture, is the science of designing – gardens, farms, houses, energy systems, and even financial or social systems – based on three ethical principles: care for the earth, care for people, and fair distribution. Permaculture systems have the characteristics of natural ecosystems and are governed by their laws. Permaculture design helps overcome many problems that community gardens struggle with: access to water, soil quality, city surroundings. Wojciech Górny provides numerous tips on how to design a garden guided by the principles of permaculture, then we move on to a discussion and answers to interesting questions from participants. The meeting is led by Izabella Mier from Bujna Warszawa. ------------- Wojciech Górny – graduate of SGGW, zootechnician and ichthyobiologist by education. A lover of nature, fishing, permaculture, a graduate of two permaculture design courses, a student of Geoff Lawton. A passionate enthusiast of biodiversity and the use of permaculture to support it. He spends his free time building a small permaculture habitat in the heart of the Bolimów Forest, also known as the Permaculture Demonstration Site “Ostoja”. Founder of the Permaculture Warsaw and Permaculture Design groups on Facebook, and the permaculture discussion forum permisie.pl. Translator of the first permaculture textbook for schools “Student Permakultury” into Polish. Izabella Mier - a culture expert by education. I work at the Botanical Garden of the University of Warsaw. I am active in the Dobrze Food Cooperative and the Motyka i Słońce community garden. --------- The webinar was implemented from the technological side by the Green Talks Polska team. The Bujna Warszawa program is implemented by the Common Goods Workshop with the support of the Warsaw Greenery Board. Warsaw (Warsaw Green).