OLGA wants you to SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://bit.ly/OlgaYT Since you're here, check out the stuff we have: Olga Store: https://olga.store We welcomed the owners of their time slot: Luquitas Rodriguez and Rober Galati were part of the Soñé que Volaba table. We had “ESTA ES MI CICATRIZ” which was defined with a PUSH IN THE NIGHT to remember. We reviewed the TELEVISION of the 90s and closed with ERUCA SATIVA and a chat about their new single. 00:00 Rober is very Luck Ra 14:16 Doctors, ambulance drivers and anesthesiologists 19:31 PERFUME Specialists 26:57 DIETS and CONFUSION 50:00 THE SCARS ARRIVED 1:14:49 Push in the night to define THIS IS MY SCAR 1:20:19 The 600 dollar Buzz Lightyear 1:27:00 La Cruda came out with Mariana Enríquez 1:33:38 Is Megan Fox an android? 1:39:17 TELEVISION and MYSTERIES OF THE 90s 2:34:46 ROCK HAS ARRIVED: ERUCA SATIVA HAS ARRIVED 2:51:37 The pass with “Se Extraña a la Nona” #olga #olgaenvivo #miguegranados #natijota #luquitasrodriguez #robergalati #rodriguezgalati #tefirusso ---- HEY! YOU! You can also stop by: Instagram: / olgaenvivo Twitter: / olgaenvivo TikTok: / olgaenvivo Twitch: https://twitch.com/olgaenvivo