Carrying out value pruning correctly Joachim will show us today what needs to be taken into account when pruning. The aim of value pruning is to keep the trunk free of knots in order to obtain high-quality and valuable knot-free logs. It is also important to ensure that the cuts are made correctly so that the branches can quickly grow over. In addition to block pruning - that is, pruning only from below - there is also dynamic pruning, where measures are taken on the entire trunk. Opinions differ as to the timing, but the important thing is that the pruning is done generally and that the branches are no larger than 3 cm in diameter. Through this laborious work, Joachim has managed over the years to create impressive knot-free trunks, from which great wooden products such as floors or furniture can later be made and which adorn our homes as CO2 stores. Watch more videos at: https://www.waldgeschichten.com/aus-d... #Wertastung #Forestry #SustainableForestry #TreeCare #ForestryManagement #WoodProduction #CO2Storage #ForestCare #WoodIndustry #NatureManagement #waldgeschichten #waldgeschichtencom