Instagram @lenara.artes Bastidor 35cm of luminous primer and segunda, 1 of 10cm and 25cm of outside Algodão doce Talagarça (usa for the wall and tape) use 26cm Cola branca Cola quente Materiales Marco de 35cm de la primera y la segunda 1 de 10cm and 25cm apron of azúcar Talagarça (for the day and night) use 26cm Cola Blanca Pegamento Caliente Materials 35cm frame of the first lamp and the second 1 of 10cm and another of 25cm Cotton candy sticks Talagarça (used for embroidery and rug)I Used 26cm White glue hot glue Malzemeler İlk Lamb frame 35cm and second 10cm and other 25cm Talagarça sugar sticks (for use with knitting and rugs) 26cm I used White occluder Warm occluder Materials The first lamp frame is 35cm and the second 1 is 10cm and the other 25cm Talagarça cotton candy sticks (used in embroidery and rugs) I used 26 cm White glue Hot glue Materials Frame First lamp 35cm, second - 10cm, second - 25cm. Get in touch with Talagarça. And then 26 hours of the day.