00:00 INTRODUCTION 06:39 ANATOMY OF THE MALE PELVIS 12:28 IS PELVIC PHYSIOTHERAPY ONLY FOR MEN? 17:13 WHAT IS THE BEST TIME TO START PELVIC PHYSIOTHERAPY? BEFORE OR AFTER SURGERY? 22:26 WHAT TO EXPECT FROM YOUR SEXUAL LIFE AFTER PROSTATECTOMY SURGERY 28:20 WHAT IS THE ROLE OF PELVIC PHYSIOTHERAPY FOR MEN WITH PROSTATE CANCER? 29:45 HOW MANY PHYSIOTHERAPY SESSIONS ARE NECESSARY AFTER SURGERY? 32:44 WHAT IS THE BIGGEST DIFFICULTY OF PELVIC PHYSIOTHERAPY IN MEN? 34:41 CAN MEN DO KEGEL EXERCISES TOO? 35:57 WHAT IS KINESIOTHERAPY? 38:14 WHAT IS BIOFEEDBACK? 39:15 WHAT IS ELECTROSTIMULATION? 40:31 USE OF VACUUM PUMP. 45:58 PENIS RING. 46:38 PHYSIOTHERAPY AND PREMATURE EJACULATION. 49:02 IS PELVIC PHYSIOTHERAPY THE SAME THING AS PUMPING? 56:07 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work of the physiotherapist in the treatment of prostate cancer The physiotherapist has an important role after the medical treatment of the patient affected by prostate cancer. The professional needs to be aware of some factors - pathological mechanism, importance and postoperative time - before applying the correct treatment to his/her patient. After analyzing these factors, the patient must understand the position and function of the pelvic floor. Physiotherapy treatment should be started immediately after the urinary catheter is removed, which usually occurs ten to twenty days after surgery, as it is believed that exercises started suddenly accelerate the recovery of urinary continence. Physiotherapy treatment is divided into three different areas: Kinesiotherapy Kinesiology is nothing more than the use of pelvic floor muscle contraction training methods, so that the patient can perform voluntary pelvic floor muscle contractions on their own. Training the pelvic floor muscles ensures the effectiveness of the external urethral sphincter in moments of high intra-abdominal pressure. This happens due to selective and repetitive voluntary contractions, as well as relaxation during training. There are several ways to perform this training, including in different positions that help to gradually reduce both the sitting and standing positions. Biofeedback Like kinesiotherapy, Biofeedback also uses the pelvic floor muscles to treat stress urinary incontinence, mixed urinary incontinence and bladder overactivity. In this procedure, the physiotherapist will show the patient how to control the motor skills of the pelvic floor muscles in order to train, strengthen and increase their resistance, as well as coordinate muscle contractions for self-regulation. An examination is performed using an intrarectal electrode that can show the proportion of contraction and relaxation that each patient needs to perform during treatment. This test generates completely individual results and is also capable of identifying physiological or pathophysiological phenomena related to muscle dysfunctions that need to be treated. The aim of this test is to use biofeedback to assess the activity of the sphincters, pelvic floor and/or bladder, in order to make it more noticeable to the patient. Electrostimulation Electrostimulation is a treatment performed using electric current and can be performed intracavitary or transcutaneously. Intracavitary electrostimulation is performed with a rectal or endoanal electrode, and transcutaneous electrostimulation with electrodes positioned on the posterior tibial nerve. 🔸Don't put off daily care for tomorrow! ☎(11) 2769-3929 📱(11) 99590-1506 Contact us directly via WhatsApp: 📲 https://bit.ly/2HCRkgt 💻 https://www.clinicauroonco.com.br/ Schedule online: http://bit.ly/2WMMiCI Rua Borges Lagoa 1070, Cj 52 Vila Mariana - São Paulo - SP Dr. Bruno Benigno - CRM: 126.265 RQE Nº: 60022 #urology #health #urooncology #healthylife #uro #urology #medicine #benigndrbruno #uroonco #onco #oncology #PSA #pelvicphysiotherapy