Urszula Chincz, or Ula Pedantula TV journalist and reporter. She tackles a variety of tasks for the DDTVN program; she sails on a yacht to a round-the-world regatta, parachutes with the author of a book about fear or patrols the city with a team of mounted police. She talks. She has conducted several hundred interviews. Her interviewees included Carla Bruni, Jamie Olivier, Lisa Stansfield and Marcin Gortat. A graduate of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw. For many years associated with marketing and PR. She gave up her managerial career because it was time for television: for two years she hosted "Pytanie na śniadanie" with Tomasz Kammel, and since 2014 she has worked at "Dzień Dobry TVN" as a reporter and sometimes as a co-host (in a duet with Dorota Wellman, Marcin Prokop and Bartosz Węglarczyk). Author of the popular blog and YouTube channel "Ula Pedantula" dedicated to everyday home challenges. Co-author of the book "7 dni, Świat Andrzeja Turskiego" dedicated to her father. _____________________ ???????????? MORE ???????????? ???? SUBSCRIBE / @ekobosacka ????️ FACEBOOK / ekobosacka ???? INSTAGRAM / katarzynabosacka We work with brands ⬇️ Silesia - manufacturer of enamelware, of which I am an ambassador: https://idz.do/AJtiMN Organic Farma Zdrowia SA http://organicmarket.pl OnlyBio OnyEco / onlybioonlyeco