Pedagogical trends emerged from different philosophical thoughts and authors generally agree to classify them into two groups: Liberal Pedagogical Trend and Progressive Pedagogical Trend. The first group represents the conservative (or renewed) part that keeps society the way it is. The second group proposes the transformation of society, questioning its relationships, using education as an instrument of social transformation. Pedagogical Trends is a subject that is frequently asked in public examinations. In this article, we will explain this important subject for public examinations. ???? Pedagogical Room: https://pedagogiaparaconcurso.com.br/... Telegram Group: http://bit.ly/pedagogia-telegram Sign up and stay up to date with all the classes: https://pedagogiaparaconcurso.com.br/... Pedagogy for Concurso ► Website: https://pedagogiaparaconcurso.com.br ► Facebook: / pedagogiaparaconcurso ► Instagram: / pedagogiaparaconcurso ► Youtube: / pedagogiaparaconcurso Fabiana Firmino ► Facebook: / professoresfabianafirmino ► Instagram: / fabiana_firmino_ ► Youtube: / fabianafirminoprofessora #TendenciasPedagogicas #PedagogiaparaConcurso #SalaPedagogica #Pedagogia2020