Another complete painting, now on the Xre 300 2019 full led completely restored, we did a pearlescent blue painting on the black base, simulating a petroleum blue but very different hehe, the shine of this painting was sensational, something very beautiful without exaggeration, I hope you like it. We also painted all the plastics in top matte black, to never have the problem of dry and whitish plastic again, we also painted the engine, forks and wheels done in black piano, the bike looks great, gave it a new life, hehe. Video with all the details and painting tips, for those who like complete videos this will be great for you, I hope you like it, Thanks for watching! Don't forget to leave your like and subscribe to the channel, it helps a lot. Thanks for the support, TMJ!!! Custom Paintings? ???? Call on Instagram direct! My paint shop: DZ CUSTOM @dzcustom_oficial / dzcustom_oficial ????Follow me on Instagram! @cristopherdiniz / cristopherdiniz Contact me on Direct to ask questions. PARTNER CHANNELS DAN SILVA - PLANNED PURCHASE: / @dansilvacompraplanejada DANIEL DA HORNET: / @danieldahornetofc PATRICK DINIZ: / @patrickdiniz6845