When planning to establish an orchard like in the past, full of good old varieties, we often think first of apple trees. Kosztela, paper tree, malinowa, Reneta Szara, or Antonówka - these names are known even to a person who is just starting their adventure with natural cultivation. Pear trees are less popular. We know less about them, the names of valuable varieties are not as widely known. And that's a pity, because they are an exceptional fruit tree. Pear trees are even more long-lived than apple trees. In Poland, there are two-hundred and even three-hundred-year-old specimens. In addition to longevity, pears have many other features that make them a valuable element of a farm or common space. The guest of the next webinar of the Academy of Down-to-earth Skills will be Grzegorz Ciechomski, a pear enthusiast and collector of interesting varieties, running the natural regenerative farm La Fuente. Grzegorz has unique knowledge in the field of intelligent pasture management and uses poultry and sheep to build soil quality. Grzegorz conducts online and field consultations, and also deals with the service of grafting fruit trees. And he is also a master blacksmith with twenty years of experience! Join us on April 22, 2022 (Friday) from 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. for a free webinar. Take advantage of the live format and ask Grzegorz a question. Why is it worth joining the webinar? ⭐As usual, in our webinars you will meet a wonderful and inspiring person. ⭐You will learn about the requirements of pears, their diversity and versatility of applications. ⭐You will learn what are Grzegorz's favorite varieties worth planting in your orchard. ⭐You will learn what sedges are and why it is worth being able to recognize them. ⭐You will learn what functions a pear tree performs in a forest-pasture system (sylvopastoral). ⭐ You will get to know the figure of Greg Judy - an expert in cultivating pastures. Grzegorz Ciechomski: / gospodaro_la_fuente / grzegorz.ciechomski.3 / gospodaro-la-fuente-413012082798233 Grzegorz / @gospodarstwolafuente7679 Apart from the permaculture farm, I am also developing a website creator https://najszybsza.pl/ . This is the easiest and fastest way to make your own website. You can easily make it yourself/sum or you can commission us (https://najszybsza.pl/tworzy-stron.... You can support my activity by using https://najszybsza.pl/. Recommend to your friends who are planning to build a website. Thank you! Akademia Przymunch Umiejętności Sign up for our newsletter to receive notifications about events: https://akademiaprzyziemi.pl/kontakt/ / przyziemi