Finally, my dream came true. I always wanted to herd cows, but unfortunately I wasn't allowed to do it when I was a child, I was either too small or too harmful. I remember how my other sisters gathered in the morning to graze the herd, graze together with my grandfather, who was very strict and strict about it, because only he drove the cows to the field to the very edge, where the grass is the tallest and greenest, and 5 meters away there was already someone's garden. I was waiting for me to grow up and be able to go with him on this journey, and here I am, but my grandfather did not wait... Today I am with my relatives in the same field with the cows and I am very happy! Have a good viewing! #cows #kids #everydaylife #Ukraine #peaceofnature #familytraditions #countrysidelife #outdoor recreation #countrysideUkraine #dailyeveryday #farming #herding #ukrainianlife #meditation #farmlife #herd