PDI-P DPP Chairman Said Abdullah said that PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto is at home every day. Hasto, said Said, also stops by the PDI-P Central Leadership Council (DPP) in Jakarta every day. Said also questioned the assumptions that said Hasto ran away after becoming a KPK suspect. He confirmed that Hasto goes to the PDI-P central office in Jakarta every day. Watch more in the following video! Writer: Adhyasta Dirgantara Scriptwriter: Vina Muthi Ambarwati Video Editor: Vina Muthi Ambarwati Producer: Yusuf Reza Permadi Music: Interstellar Mood - Nico Staff #KPK #Hasto #PDIP #ClearHope Related Article: https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2025... This article can be viewed at: https://video.kompas.com/watch/181739...