How to treat patellofemoral syndrome? This pathology causing knee pain is very common among runners. Discover some ideas to go further and optimize your return ???????????????????????? ➡️ THE ARTICLE ON THE PATHOLOGY AND ITS TREATMENT: https://bit.ly/31lbJ21 . ➡️ A CASE HISTORY: https://bit.ly/30oXlX2 . ➡️ MY COMPLETE TREATMENT PROTOCOL: https://bit.ly/2EIjUO0 . ➡️ MY RUNNING RESUMPTION PROTOCOL: https://bit.ly/33BXVTB ➡️ CREATE YOUR DREAM TEAM: https://bit.ly/2DBoGfW ===============✅ TO FOLLOW ME, IT'S HERE ✅=============== ????: Subscribe to the website and blog: https://runningsportsante.com ????: Subscribe to the YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/2W5nvM6 ????: Like the Facebook page: https://bit.ly/3fpgcFB ????: Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/2PqXClS