• Pastor Cho Yong-gi, I fell into #hell. #Repentance is only on this earth... We will see the Lord in the future. At that time, we must become one person who the Lord is pleased with and welcomes into heaven. Lord, come quickly Maranatha! Sponsorship of the Age Spirituality Channel: Nonghyup Bank 453064-56-114871 Kim * Soo Shinhan Bank 110-476-611359 Kim * Soo K Bank 100-133-713514 Kim * Soo Overseas Sponsorship PayPal: https://paypal.me/kes4077su Sponsorship of the Age Spirituality Temple: Nonghyup Bank 302-1712--884511 Kim * Soo - Age Spirituality 1 Channel / @ucenrje4ffvv. . Sidae Youngseong 2 Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFM5P... #Yeouido Full Gospel Church, #Prayer Music, #Prayer Center, #Holy Spirit, #Jesus, #God, #Father God, #Pastor Cho Yong-gi's Sermon, Jesus's Blood, #Cross, #Pastor Cho Yong-gi's Sermon, #Prayer in Tongues, #Prayer in Tongues, ##Full Gospel Church, Pastor Lee Young-hoon, #Hansei University, #Filled with the Holy Spirit, #How to Receive the Holy Spirit, #Anointing of the Holy Spirit, #Sidae Youngseong Church, #Sidae Youngseong TV, #Speaking in Tongues, #Great Sermon, ##Osan-ri, #Words of Wisdom, #Faith, #Healing, #Spiritual Words, #Servants of the Times, #Elajah, Elisha, #Testimony, #Blood Hymn, #Psalm, #Filled with the Holy Spirit, #Prayer Music, #Prayer, #Meditation, #Prayer in Tongues, #Language of Heaven, #Secrets of Heaven, #Prayers of Masters, #Great Prayers, #Genes Hagin, #Ministers of the Holy Spirit, #Kevin Jedi, #Kevin Jedi, #Jane Hamon, #Kim Gyeom-son Youth, #Laying on of Hands and Prayers for the Heart. #Pastor Cho Yong-gi's Last Sermon, #Song Gu Young-shin Service, #The Power of the Lord's Blood, #Three Baptisms Were Received by the Holy Spirit, #Missionary Kim Yun-sang, Elder Kim Sang-tae, Peter of the Republic of Korea, #Elder Cheon Yeong-ho, #Rapture, #Judgment Seat of Christ, #There is Only One Standard for the Judgment of Christ, #Satan is Right Too. #Do We Have to Tithe and Keep the Sabbath?, #Heaven and Hell, #Prayer of Repeated Words, #Prophecy,