Anyone who knew Anthony and Manfred when they were young would have expected them to be in prison as adults rather than in the pulpit – because for a long time their lives revolved around addiction and drugs rather than the Christian faith. Both men talk about how they came to work as pastors today. (Moderation: Sabine Bhandari / Andreas Waldmann) 00:00 Welcome 01:17 Broken – testimony from Anthony Torres 08:20 Drug addict – testimony from Manfred Richter 17:10 In conversation with God – short devotional from Pastor Andreas Waldmann 20:30 Help for children in need 25:23 Contact details ???? EXPERIENCED Magazine: Order the free Experienced Magazine from CBN Germany here and receive encouragement, ideas and inspiration: https://cbndeutschland.org/magazin/an... ???? Support: Would you like to support our work? We thank you for your donation: https://cbndeutschland.org/spenden ???? This is CBN Germany: Do you want to find out more about our work? Visit our website: https://cbndeutschland.org ???? Social Media: You can also find us on Facebook: / cbndeutschland and on Instagram: / cbn.deutschland ???? Newsletter: Subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date: https://cbndeutschland.org/newsletter