Peace be with you, BluePills! Today we're talking with Caio Fábio, a guy who used to be one of the biggest names in the church, but who has moved away from being a pastor. Even so, he continues to talk about spirituality in a very out-of-the-box way. Caio told us about this transition, the difficulties he faced, and how he continues to have his faith, but without following the traditional script. Tune in to this conversation, it's going to be really heavy! Want to know more about Caio Fábio? Follow him on Instagram: @caiofabiodaraujofilho and visit his website: https://caiofabio.com.br. Subscribe to BlueCast, like, share the video and activate the bell so you don't miss anything. And, of course, come be a BluePill! Meet our supporters: El Patron Platas: https://www.instagram.com/elpatronpla... What's up, Comrade! https://queissocamarada.com/loja/ #CaioFabio #Spirituality #TiagoSantineli #BlueCast