Motorcycle license - passing the slow course Plateau exam - the theory and practical application of mastering the motorcycle at slow speed Once you have learned the basics of driving a motorcycle with a first motorcycle license course which allowed you to discover the motorcycle with the basics of driving at the clutch, braking, acceleration, downshift and gaze, it is time to tackle the slow course, an integral part of the off-road exam, which has only one objective, to learn to master the motorcycle at slow speed. The theory is simple and the exercise obvious when it is carried out by the instructor. But the theory must sink in to become automatic and this requires training and not just a single license course. So, because you have to combine theory and practice, we suggest you follow Aanthia, our apprentice biker, during her motorcycle license learning, in order to review the theory with her and see in practice the faults that need to be corrected as you go along, up to this exercise of 8 which can be beneficial for the training of any biker solo, but also in duo. This is really the objective of these videos, so that they constitute as many tutorials to review after a lesson, to remember all the points and relive your exercises to prepare for the motorcycle driving license exam. Start on a 125, continue on the 650... and at the end of the video, the new slow course which has changed with the new 2020 license! In the same series, find the avoidance exercises, braking, the code and traffic. So for lessons, revisions, theory and practice, follow us! Subscribe to see the A2 motorcycle tests! Motorcycle school: Easy Monneret Follow us: http://www.lerepairedesmotards.com/ / lerepairedesmotards / lerepaire / lerepairedesmotards https://www.pinterest.fr/Lerepaire/