[Bags that women in their 40s and 50s carry as part of their fashion] Part 2In the first part, we talked about the relationship between clothes and colors, but this time we will introduce tips on matching clothes, focusing on the color "camel" that many people carry in the fall and winter! Bags Part 1: • Part 1 [How to choose a stylish bag] Fashion for women in their 40s and 50s (Table of contents) 0:00 Review of the previous article 0:46 The third versatile color 4:43 Link bag for when you're in a pinch 6:56 Bags that will adjust 12:41 Introduction to the bags that appeared in the video [Instagram] I'm also going to post detailed tips on fashion here ☆ / kanako.maigo [Channel theme] "Make your figure look beautiful and a little stylish. Fashion for people over 40" I feel the same way, feeling frustrated that nothing suits me no matter what I wear! (tears) Let's get out of the dark tunnel together ^^ [If you're interested, please check this out too! 】 ◆ "Cardigan tips that create an illusion of thinness" • [Don't look fat] Just remember this about cardigans! Fashion for 40s and 50s ◆ "Three tips for a fresh look" • Why are the clothes on Instagram so great? Three tips for a fresh look! /Fashion for 40s and 50s ◆ "Five techniques to make your figure look beautiful" • [Trick] Five techniques to make your figure look beautiful Fashion for 40s and 50s ◆ "How to wear a shirt beautifully" • Fashion for 40s and 50s Shirts that save you from menopause Three dressing prescriptions ◆ "Fashion at hand" • Fashion for 40s Three ways to become fashionable in the fastest time [Practical edition] Make accessories your ally... #40s #fashion #ladies【Music】 https://www.joshwoodward.com/song/Cal...