[Part 1] "It's a problem even before the plastic surgery" Tiger's sharp observation makes the man... cut ties with his family and live an isolated life, but by having confidence in his appearance he wants to carve out a path for himself [Sekiguchi Aohito] [15th person] Plastic surgery version of Reiwa no Tora • [Part 1] "It's a problem even before the plastic surgery" Tiger's sharp observation makes the man... cut ties with his family and live an isolated life... //////////////////////////////////////////// [Now accepting applicants for the plastic surgery version of Reiwa no Tora] • The plastic surgery version of Reiwa no Tora has begun. Seize the chance to change your life with plastic surgery! ▼Click here for the application form for applicants! ▼ https://forms.gle/UcpDDrTm6FZYHZqj7 /////////////////////////////////////////// ◆Shunichiro Son (Representative of X CLINIC) 【Website】https://x-clinic.jp 【Instagram】 / dr_son_shunichiro 【YouTube】 / @emperor_xclinic ◆Shigeru Numazawa (Director of SEA CLINIC) 【Instagram】 / oshige1211 【YouTube 】 / @seaclinic5225 【Website】https://seaclinic-beauty.com ◆Shuichi Yoshioka (HAAB Clinic) 【Instagram】 / hdc_yossy 【TikTok】 / hdc_yoshioka 【X(formerly Twitter)】https://x.com/dr_yossy__ ◆Toru Nishikawa (Freelance Specialist in Mouthpiece Orthodontics) Currently affiliated with Tokyo Advanced Medical Clinic and Tsurugi Clinic [Website] https://www.tkc110.jp/doctor/tnishika... [Instagram] / @nishikawa-kyousei [LINE] https://liff.line.me/2004468815-LZ6o5... ◆Asou Yasushi (General Director of Tokyo Cosmetic Surgery) [YouTube] / @dra [Reservation] https://bit.ly/3YEihrA [Related links] linktr.ee/drA_asuo ============================== ◆Asou Yasushi's profile https://bit.ly/3aymfs9 ◆Asou Yasushi related links https://linktr.ee/asou_toru ◆[Tokyo Cosmetic Surgery Website] https://bit.ly/34op3bp ◆Beautiful Bust Channel for Everyone [Tokyo Cosmetic Surgery] https://bit.ly/3Haikkb ◆Tokyo Cosmetic Surgery ~Face/Nose Channel~ https://bit.ly/3xvPFTs ============================ Now recruiting members for Aso Yasushi Online Salon! For more details, please see the URL below https://lounge.dmm.com/detail/6935/ ============================= [Books by Aso Yasushi] ▼If you're going to buy a Birkin, get breast augmentation https://amzn.to/3JeQepp ▼If you were to start your life over again today - Rules for living freely without fear of loneliness▼ https://amzn.asia/d/94xOqTE ============================= ◆Aso Yasushi Instagram / asoutoru ◆Doctor A Tiktok https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSeGykQnw/ ◆Aso Yasushi twitter / asoutoru ◆Aso Yasushi blog https://ameblo.jp/kimboktae/ ====□For inquiries, please click here□===== ▼Toll free number ☎0120-658-958 (Call center reception hours: 9:00-21:00) . ▼LINE reservation @ tkc110 ============== https://line.me/ti/p/%40tkc110 ◆Tokyo Cosmetic Surgery Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tokyobiyoug... ◆Tokyo Cosmetic Surgery Twitter / tokyo_biyougeka ■■List of clinics nationwide■■ https://goo.gl/ug311s Produced by: Suneight Co., Ltd. https://suneight.co.jp/ Narrator: Okada Takayuki