Cashew Tree Pruning Young orchards should be managed to form a compact canopy with a large productive surface. Pruning is generally limited to removing damaged, dry, fallen branches and the plant's growth habit. In dryland orchards, formative pruning should be performed from the second year onwards, removing branches that grow close to the ground or on the rootstock and, annually, those with abnormal lateral growth. This will allow for greater efficiency in crop management and subsequent harvesting, avoiding problems with intertwining branches and difficulties in mechanization. The first branch, in the productive phase, should be kept close to 0.5 m from the ground surface in the early dwarf type and 1 m in the common type. In adult orchards, an adequate balance should be achieved between vegetative growth and fruiting. Since cashew fruiting is peripheral, especially in the lower two thirds of the plant, the removal of lower branches should be reduced. Email. [email protected] • Part 2. Cashew Tree Pruning