Part 1: REVIEW OF Hydraulics for a homemade mini tractor and PRICES FOR HYDRAULICS Community of creative people VKONTAKTE (LIVING STEEL Do it yourself) - https://vk.com/samodelki333 Hydraulic cylinder 1 - 3,000 rubles Hydraulic cylinder 2 - 4,949 rubles NSh 10 - 5,500 rubles Drive NSh - 2160 Hydraulic distributor 02P40-1K16K16 GKZ1 CHINA and fittings - 12,185 rubles Oil-resistant hose 1.5 meters - 368 rubles High-pressure hoses 5 pieces - 6,250 rubles Total 34,412 rubles + all sorts of little things = 35,500 rubles YouTube channel - / @iawasian Yandex ZEN - https://zen.yandex.ru/smtvaso Rutube - https://rutube.ru/channel/25037471/ VKONTAKTE PAGE - https://vk.com/smtvaso VKONTAKTE GROUP - https://vk.com/smtvasoo PULSE - TIK TOK - @smtvaso DRIVE2- https://www.drive2.ru/r/selfmade/self... Inverter welding machine Resanta SAIPA-200 http://alii.pub/5oypew Welding apron - http://alii.pub/6f9lhv Carbon dioxide reducer - http://alii.pub/6f9lm5 Apron and gloves - http://alii.pub/6f9ln4 Mittens - http://alii.pub/6f9m5e RESANTA gloves - http://alii.pub/6f9m1i Apron with pockets - http://alii.pub/6f9m2a Welding wire with flux 1 kg - http://alii.pub/6f9m3g Welding tips 0.8 - http://alii.pub/6f9m57 Ceramic tips - http://alii.pub/6f9m6r HOOD LOCK - http://alii.pub/6f0ncm AND ALSO: HEADLIGHTS LIKE MINE - http://alii.pub/6ehlre ANOTHER SELECTION OF HEADLIGHTS OPTION 1 - http://alii.pub/6ehlye OPTION 2 - http://alii.pub/6ehlyz OPTION 3 - http://alii.pub/6ehlyz OPTION 4 - http://alii.pub/6ehlzr OPTION 5 - http://alii.pub/6ehlzy OPTION 6 - http://alii.pub/6ehm05 OPTION 7 - http://alii.pub/6ehm0j OPTION 8 - http://alii.pub/6ehm0q OPTION 9 - http://alii.pub/6ehm0x OPTION 10 - http://alii.pub/6ehm1b OPTION 11 - http://alii.pub/6ehm23 MASS LIKE MINE - http://alii.pub/6e9jvd MASS 1 - http://alii.pub/6e9jwc MASS 2 - http://alii.pub/6e9jxi MASS 3 - http://alii.pub/6e9jyv MASS 4 - http://alii.pub/6e9jzn MASS 5 - http://alii.pub/6e9k2r MASS 6 - UNIVERSAL - http://alii.pub/6e9k3x FUSE - http://alii.pub/6e9k1e SWITCHES - http://alii.pub/6e9k01 #homemademinitractor #smtvaso #withyourhands #miniequipment #minitractor #minitractorwithyourhands #doityourselfminitractor #skidloader #miniloaderwithyourhands #vaso #homemademiniequipment